1) Yes! Finally. Many of my childhood dreams will have come true, if you just let me be in this musical, perhaps choreograph it. (I already gave on the one about learning to talk to dolphins by giving a baby headphones and making said baby grow up listening to dolphins so as to be bi-lingual.)(But not the one where I have a shirt that looks like the outfit/dress thing that Kristi Yamaguchi wore in the Olympics. Never that one.)
2) NO! Reading through the plot synopsis is vaguely horrifying.
Why must everything good turn out bad? Electric Youth... the musical is obviously not about mid-level bankers from New York City who go to Minnesota for a visit. Am I totally wrong about that? Why doesn't anybody ever ask me these things. Sigh.

(beautiful, right?)
kristi yamaguchi is probably the best contestant on dancing with the stars this season. this was confirmed by a psychological test given to all the celebrity/professional pairs on the last episode.
filipinos say that Kristi is THE most refreshing lady that could ever walk on the dance floor at dwts....including the pros
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